1. 財団は、個人情報の保護に関して適用される日本の法令等を遵守します。
2. 財団は、個人情報の取得及びその利用を適切に行います。殊に、個人情報を目的外で使用することのないよう、適切な対応を取ります。
3. 財団は、必要かつ十分な安全対策を取ることにより、財団が扱う個人情報の保全管理を保持し、また個人情報の漏えい、滅失、棄損等を防止するための適正な対策を講じます。
4. 財団は、法令に基づく場合等を除き、本人から事前に同意を得ることなしに、個人情報を第三者に提供しません。
5. 財団は、本人から自己の個人情報について開示、訂正又は利用停止等を求められた時には適切に対応します。
6. 財団は、適切な個人情報の保護を維持するため、本基本方針はもとより、個人情報の管理システムの継続的な改善に努めます。
<制定期日> この個人情報保護方針は、2013年3月28日に制定した。
Japan Chamber Music Foundation ("JCMF") recognizes that the protection of personal information is the social responsibility, and has established a policy for the protection of personal information. When organizing various activities based on the articles of incorporation, JCMF obtains and uses personal information properly and maintain strictly the protection of personal information. This policy consists of the following six guidelines:
1. JCMF abides by the laws and regulations of Japan pertaining to the protection of personal information.
2. JCMF obtains and uses personal information properly. Among other things, JCMF takes appropriate measures not to handle personal information other than for the specified purposes.
3. JCMF makes efforts to implement, through the adoption of necessary and appropriate security measures, the security control of personal information handled by JCMF, including protection from disclosure, loss or damage.
4. JCMF never offers personal information to a disinterested third party without obtaining the prior consent of the person in question, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
5. JCMF appropriately responds to the requests from the person in question about disclosure, correction and stopping the use of his/her personal information.
6. JCMF makes efforts, in order to maintain the appropriate control of protection of personal information, to continuously improve its personal information protection management system, including this policy,
[Supplementary Provisions]
< Effective Date > The Privacy Policy became effective on March 28, 2013.
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